About me

I'm a designer based in Brasília, Brazil.

My main interests are typeface design and creative programming. Although I enjoy anything that involves developing complex visual systems

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My academic journey began with studying Engineering at University of Brasília (UnB) in 2016, focusing on Software Development. Although I enjoyed programing and developing solutions, I realized that I wanted to develop solutions through a more creative lens. When I began studying Design at UnB, I was mindblown by the possibilities of the design world.

I graduated at the course in 2022 with a marvelous experience. I worked as designer and as a Customer Service and Communication manager at Lamparina Design. I also had the oportunity to be an intern at Supremo Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) and at Estúdio Revoada. My graduation project was designing a typeface, Minikin, featured in this website.

My mother language is Brazilian Portuguese, but I am very familiar with English. I also speak Spannish and a little bit of French.

I love to work with p5.js and Processing. I also know a bit of html and css